Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Those are the breaks

I know I have already informed the whole world via my last post that I had a UTI and that it was crazy and it has further upset my plans to rule the world, lose weight.  For any of you familiar with UTI treatment you know that it means lots of water and lots of cranberry juice.  Water is fine in fact I can honestly say that I drank enough water this weekend to meet my quota for a week.  However, the juice killed me.  I drank 2 of those huge bottles of juice (like 120 oz ea) and yes, it helped me and was great for the illness but I stopped counting the calories that I was putting into my body.  The empty calories at that.  It was a very hard thing to do even though I knew it was best for me.  My prize for giving my body the best care?  2 lbs weight gain!  Yup, thanks for taking care of me and as your body I give you two more pounds of me to love.  Stupid UTI!  On the up side I am better and no longer drinking juice but just water.  It was a bad weekend and my husband is now sick with some weird virus that I am just hoping that my Antibiotics will keep me protected from.   I hope all of you are having better luck with your bodies than I am.   


  1. Try getting some cranberry pills from the health food store. That can give the same benefits without the calories. Of course, always follow your Drs advice though.

    The cranberry juice we usually drink is more of a cocktail by the way and loaded w/sugar. They do have no sugar added forms too.

  2. I'm prone to kidney infections and kidney stones so I have taken the cranberry pills before and also I drink the no sugar cranberry juice and that lowers the calories a lot.

    Those 2lbs will fall off!! :-)

  3. Uggggh. That darned juice. I agree with Leslie on the no sugar added cranberry juice - the sugar in "cranberry juice cocktail" can make UTIs WORSE! So the no sugar added stuff is better. And yes, you'll lose those pounds in no time.

  4. It may all just be water weight. Just stay active to burn off that glucose, because it doesn't immediately turn to fat, it take a couple days.

  5. No fun, I hope you're feeling better! UTI's are the worst.
