Monday, March 14, 2011

The questions have started

So, I don't know if it took 50lbs for people to notice or if they are just now getting the nerve to start asking questions but in the past week it has become an almost daily thing at work. You know, that question.  The "How are you losing so much weight?" question.  I answer the same way to all of them, "I am exercising and using portion control".  Which is true but I always feel a little bad about omitting the part about the electric shock collar around my stomach that zaps me if I eat the wrong thing or too much food.  I only feel a little bad because as you all know the band only works if you follow the rules and it is only an aid not some magic pill.  My friend at work that knows about the band told me that what I tell the others is still the truth and to not worry about it but my question to myself is when am I going to let the fat out of the bag and tell others about my band.  After thinking about it all weekend I determined that once I am about 100lbs down and know that I am totally rocking the band thing I will feel confident enough to share my secret.  I would just be so mortified if I told them all now, here at the start, and then failed.  I would have to quit my job and move to another country!  Anyways, how do all of you handle the "how are you losing it"question?


  1. I answer honestly that I got a lap band in January 2009 and I exercise my butt off. :) I agree it is nobody's business, so I completely understand people that choose not to tell. But I just feel too weird. At first, I was nervous because I kept thinking, "what if I tell all these people and I fail?" But here I am 85 pounds later and I don't care who knows. You are doing so great, chica!!

  2. You know, it's funny, very few people have asked *how* I've done it. But when someone asks point-blank, especially if that person needs to lose weight too, I come clean about the band.

  3. I tell them I had lapband surgery. I tell them what it is, how it works, and how I work it. Sometimes, depending on the person, I get the " CHEATED"...look, but I dont really care. I enjoy (although it's probably wrong of me), when those people who doubted or said they were going to lose weight the old fashioned way, when 2 years later I am healthy and happy and they are still UNhealthy. That's bad huh?

  4. I answer like you do unless I think they could really use the information. I also felt more confident giving out the information after I lost a lot of weight.

  5. I tell people the same thing you do, why do they need a complete run-down of my medical history? Pfft! Unless they're as unhealthy as I was when I first started, then I might let it slip that I might have had surgery. ;) I've regretted telling at least 3 people, so I'm VERY cautious about who I tell now.

  6. Thanks for following me! I am very open about my band with ppl in my everyday life ( not on face book tho). It was because f someone being open with me about her surgery that I was led to it myself, so I try to pay it forward that eway. I've actually only encountered one person that was against it, and even she was respectfully against it. I also have the luxury of not caring what others think (or at least that's what I tell myself)!

  7. I say the ame thing you do. Some people discredit the weight I have lost up till now if I tell them differently and it pisses me off. I wanna just yell at them and say I still have to work my butt off! dont feel quilty or weird about it cause it's still the truth.
